Month: April 2014

  • ArtPrize

    Each time I'm asked to speak, I'm humbled once again that God would use anything that comes out of my mouth to bring Him glory. Early on in this process, I told God if He opens the doors, I will go through them. At the time, I didn't know that meant public speaking but He's able to work through anyone or anything.  I am definitely not a professional speaker by any means but the Lord is gracious to use my mouth to bring Him glory.

    In February it was 2 years when this project began unbeknownst to me and 2ish years later, it still seems like it's going as strong as ever. Reaching and speaking to people from multiple different backgrounds.

    Humbling is seriously the only word that truly encapsulates my thoughts. God doesn't need me. He doesn't need us yet He chooses to use us.

    Anyway, here is one of many speaking engagements (a shorter version) that was recorded. I seriously cannot believe people 1) ask me to speak and 2) people listen to me. Absolutely crazy that God is entrusting me with these opportunities.  I haven't brought myself to listen to it but maybe some day.  I've only heard good things from it but I'm much too critical of myself to listen to it. Even this video is unlisted on youtube, so only the 2 people that read this blog can listen to it, if they wanted. I just don't want to brag on myself. This isn't a story about me.

    RBC Chapel

    God is good. All the time.

  • Random

    I never say I'm lucky because I don't believe luck has anything to do with it. I am blessed and I'm glad it doesn't depend on luck.
    I did this celebrity look alike thing. I thought it was going to let me choose a picture of me. Instead it used my profile picture. Sorry, Emily.
    I love March Madness. Honestly, it's my favorite time of the year. Other than Thanksgiving. I love Christmas, too. Don't get me wrong.
    3 great equalizers in my opinion. 1) Everyone goes to the bathroom. 2) Puts pants on 1 leg at a time. 3) Driver License/Passport Photos.
    This was mesmerizing to me. Things like this fascinate me.
    I have turned down 6 weddings due to my vacation in May. A part of me is sad about that but the rest of me is not at all.
    Is it ok to just be mad about things? Righteously maybe? WVI decision and then backtracking on it...what do you believe? Not what are you pressured into believing. I think the decision was wrong in the first place but then to reverse because of pressure. The whole situation was a lose-lose for the company, gay marriages in Michigan, and the below photo of a playground "prank"'s sad to me that people like this exist.
    A friend and I were talking about weight loss and she said she didn't want to because of having to get new clothes. I couldn't have agreed more as this is something I've thought about as well. haha. Obviously it's a good problem but do you alter what you have or get new things. Either way. Ching, Ching.
    Some more pointless quizzes.
    Right on!
    I thought this would be more on the too grown up side. Sometimes I feel so old in how I do things. I'll take it.
    grown up
    Funny for obvious reasons.

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